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What I love most about VIPKid is that it gets to the teaching. The teacher in me finds so much joy in this job! I don’t spend a lot of time grading papers. I don’t have recess duty. I don’t have the paperwork demands. I just teach. That’s amazing! I also feel like my view of the world has matured and grown. This experience has made me a more well-rounded person.
—Teacher Hope
14+ years of teaching experience
I am first and foremost a teacher, and VIPKid is the most rewarding opportunity I have had as an educator. I am able to stay home with my daughter and continue to do what I love while impacting student's lives.
—Teacher Jeanette
11+ years of teaching experience
I love the one-on-one connection between teachers and students. I have become very attached to many of my students and their families over the years! I also love that the curriculum is already developed, so all I have to do is bring my own 'magic' to the lessons.
—Teacher Willette
25+ years of teaching experience
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